Co-curricular Achievements (Cultural)


1 Ratnawali

Our College got 1st position in folk costume & 5th position in declamation in session.


2. Zonal Youth Festival at CRSU Jind

Our college got commended position in Haryanvi Skit.



3. Zonal Youth Festival at SD Mahila Mahavidhyalya Narwana


Our college, got commended position in rangoli.



Talent show- This event was held at 25.11.2021 and 26.11.2021 and following activities were held : 1 Dance   2 Singing 3. Painting 4.  Rangoli   5.   Poetical Symposium 6.  Quiz 7.  Speech 8. Haryanvi Craft 9. Photography 10. Mono Acting 11. Playing Instrumental

Amount- Sponsored by University (Ist position 600, 2nd Position 500 3rd Position 400)


Talent show- This event was held at 06.10.2021 and 07.10.2021 and following activities were held :

1 Dance   2 Singing 3. Painting 4.  Rangoli   5.   Poetical Symposium 6.  Quiz 7.  Speech 8. Haryanvi Craft 9. Photography 10. Mono Acting 11. Playing Instrumental

Beneficiaries- 30 students

Amount- Sponsored by University (Ist position 600, 2nd Position 500 3rd Position 400)

Yuva Utsav organized  by Nehru Yuya Kendra, Jind dated 14/10/2022

4 Students participated in different activities likePoem writing, Declamation contest, yuva samvad

Rattanwali at K.U.K dated 28.10.2022 to 3110.2022

Students participated in Haryanvi Skit, Folk Costume (M & F), Mono Acting, Tit-Bits, Poetry, Painting

Got position 3rd position in folk costume both Male and Female

 3rd position  in  Haryanvi Skit

Haryana Utsav at CRSU dated 11.11.2022

Students participated in Haryanvi skit  and Painting